Having beautiful teeth naturally is a blessing of nature but unfortunately, all the people and not blessed with it. These days, the problem of crooked or imbalanced teeth seems to be very common. What to do if you have imbalanced teeth? Well, the very first thing that comes in the mind is metallic braces because since decades, this treatment is being used to balance the teeth.
Even school going children use metallic braces to balance their teeth. Many people don’t even know that there are alternative treatments as well that are even much comfortable and hygeinic.

No more need to apply metallic braces on your teeth! Metallic braces have now been replaced with invisible braces. The purpose of both invisible braces and metallic braces is similar but their application is different and their composition is different. People prefer to have invisible braces rather than metallic braces due to their multiple benefits.
Types of invisible Braces:
When we talk about the types of invisible braces, there are mainly two categories that are fixed invisible braces and removable invisible braces. Let's talk about these two categories in detail:
1. Fixed invisible braces- If you have teeth alignment issue then you are suggested to have fixed invisible braces. The purpose of fixed braces is to treat the issue of your Teeth within very short span of time and also to provide long lasting results.
On the basis of the composition of fixed braces, there are further two types that are ceramic braces and acrylic braces.
· Ceramic - Ceramic braces are similar to metal braces but rather than silver metallic wires and brackets, clear or even tooth coloured brackets are used in them. If you want to make your braces less noticeable then you should choose ceramic braces. People who are very active in the social circle usually prefer ceramic braces over conventional metallic braces.
· Acrylic – These braces are made of plastic material. These are also transparent just like ceramic braces but the quality of acrylic braces is not as much good as much as ceramic ones. However, if you want to get the cheaper treatment then acrylic braces are good to choose.

2. Removable Braces- Removable braces are basically clear plastic trays that you can easily apply into your mouth so as to treat orthodontics issues. In the course of treatment, there are multiple trays involved and you have to swap out the tray after every couple of weeks. The entire treatment takes the approximately 12 to 18 months but it depends on the severity of your problem. Removable braces are also called invisible aligners. These are highly being used for the treatment of orthodontic issues. Just imagine, you are getting the treatment for teeth alignment for a couple of months and even this treatment is not noticeable by anyone. Don't you think it's amazing!
Invisible Aligners are better than Other Braces, Why?
There are many reasons why invisible aligners are preferred over conventional metallic braces for other types of braces. There are the following major reasons:
- The duration of treatment is short in case of invisible aligners as compared to other types of braces.
- One thing that is amazing about invisible braces is that you can see results immediately when the treament is started however, you have to wait till the treatment completion in metallic braces.
- Invisible braces do not cause caries or gum issues in your teeth as the tray is changed twice in a month.
- Invisible aligners are hygeinic. If you use metallic braces then same metallic bracket will stay in your mouth until the treatment is completed. However, this is not the case with invisible aligners. After every 15 days, the old tray is replaced with a disinfected tray.
· Invisible aligners are easy to remove. You can remove these aligners if you are going in any party. You can remove them on your wedding for the photo session, you can remove these aligners in a meeting, you can remove them while you are with your partner for a date. In fact, these are easily removable and you don't need to go to the dentist for removing invisible aligners.
· Invisible aligners are invisible and no one in your social circle will notice that you are having the teeth alignment treatment.
· These aligners do not cause any stains and you can clean your teeth and mouth easily during the treatment of teeth alignment. Hence, they won't make your mouth smelly like the traditional metallic braces do.
· If you are a student then you will not lose your confidence because of your braces because these invisible aligners are invisible. With this invisible technology, you will be able to treat your teeth problem and after a couple of months, your teeth will become beautiful and well balanced.

Frequently Asked Questions:
How much are invisible braces?
Now when you have explored invisible braces and their benefits, you will of course I want to know about the cost of these invisible braces. How much are invisible braces? Well, the price of invisible braces may differ from brand to brand. In our website, you will notice that invisible braces are available at very reasonable price.
How much do invisible braces cost?
The cost of invisible braces depends on many factors. First of all, the severity of orthodontic issue should be known. If you have very severe problem then definitely you will have to wear more cost because the treatment will take long time. On the other side, if you have minor issue then there will be less cost involved in the entire treatment.
Usually, invisible braces or invisible aligners cost between $2500 and $8000. However, again I will bring your attention to the point that the cost of invisible braces mainly depends on which brand you are going to choose.
How to clean invisible braces?
You are suggested to clean the aligner trays twice daily. In order to clean your braces, you can either use a denture cleaner for a home solution. It is advised to use a soft toothbrush so as to to clean the aligners. Keep it in your mind that toothpaste is not recommended for your invisible braces.
How to invisible teeth with braces?
You cannot clean your teeth with brush if you have applied invisible braces on them. However, this is not the case with metallic braces. In case of invisible braces, remove them first, brush your teeth and then apply your braces again.
Can you get your teeth clean with braces?
You can just rinse the mouth or gargle with braces but you are not suggested to brush your teeth with braces. It is advised to remove invisible aligners and then to brush your teeth.
Do invisible braces stain?
No, invisible braces will not stain. This is the quality of invisible braces that they do not stain like the conventional metallic braces to. The material used for manufacturing invisible aligners is resistant to discoloration. However, you have to give one thing in mind that invisible braces may stain because of deeply coloured food like coffee, tea, etc.

Are invisible braces more expensive?
Invisible braces are expensive than traditional metallic braces because the material used in manufacturing invisible braces is more precious and costlier. However, the price of invisible braces is affordable and the benefits of invisible braces outweigh their cost.
What do invisible braces look like?
Invisible braces or invisible aligners look like transparent teeth coating. There is no metallic wire involved but invisible braces are made of invisible plastic material.
Do invisible braces turn yellow?
You can remove their dresses while eating or drinking. Therefore, there are no chances of turning invisible braces yellow. However, if they become little bit dirty then you can easily watch them and clean them with water.
How I can book a FREE appointment on invisible braces?