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Trent University – Canada is a public university with two beautiful campuses one in Peterborough and the other in Durham, Ontario established in 1964. You will find an intellectual atmosphere at Trent University that will challenge and inspire you. As well as easily accessible professors, a diverse student life, and much more. After graduating from University , you can find success in the profession of your choice. At Trent you will receive valuable real-world experience by working side-by-side with leading faculty on research studies on campus, and around the world through creative learning and hands-on research.
1- Do Bachelors of Computer Science and Data Science from Trent University, Ontario, Canada
2- Study bachelors of Science Health and Human Behavior at Trent University, Ontario, Canada
3- Bachelor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Trent University, Ontario, Canada
4- Bachelor in water science or Physics at Trent University, Ontario, Canada
5- get admission in Masters of Science in Big Data Analytics from Trent University, Ontario, Canada
6- Masters of management strategic change management at Trent University, Ontario, Canada
Trent University offers students the ability to choose a degree that is tailored to their interest. In order to discover true passion, students at the University are encouraged to explore several different opportunities and open themselves up to the possibility of all disciplines. If you have additional questions or need more information about our Privacy Policy or if you ever need this type of admission, feel free to contact us.